网上有关“technology apart翻译”话题很是火热,小编也是针对technology apart翻译寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,希望能够帮助到您。
The Year It All Happened
It could be dated back to 1976, a year of darkness.
Everyone suffered from a series of heavy blows---from Tangshan Earthquake to the decease of great ones. A solemn and still mood spread among people with as little disturbance or change of mien. There was no exceptance for Fuxin, a small town surrounded by hills.
The tiny town of Fuxin, a typical small city in Northeast China, lay amidst all the darkness of an October night. Late autumn arrived there even earlier. The sky was dense with cloud, not a diffused light from some fragment of a moon could be seen. Rustling of leaves carried on the air all around the road and an owl, from somewhere in darkness, let out creepy screams.
All of a sudden chilly air spilled over the horizon. Dark cloud was rolling madly across the sky, then a sound of thunder seemed to come from beneath. The whole sky was cleaved by thunderbolts wrestling and roaring through the cloud edges. And the mountain town, almost split apart by the wrath of His Mightiness, awaited the storm that might come in no time.
The storm came at a moment, not so powerful at the beginning but soon becomes a torrent. It pounded against the town in such a steady wash that all the dirt and filth that sullied the town for years seemed to be cleaned away. The road became a bubbling and splashing stream. Flung capriciously by a rising gust, the storm cloaked the town tightly like an enormous and foggy garment.
Luo family's compound, the dwelling place of one of the largest local clan, was now in great sorrow.
A simple-minded peasant of medium size, Luo Jiren was already in his fifties. His health was declining and his face bronzed by the sun. He got cloudy eyes earlier than his peers, indicating he was no longer young.
He was among the settlers heading for Manchuria when he was young. Later he found his right place in this plain-looking town, got married and had four children. Then, knowing he could not make himself a successful breadwinner in the town, he turned to other places, and returned only at each turn of years, contributing the revenue to maintain his family's living.
Luo had never mentioned about his occupation, nor could his fellow villagers feature it out. This might be explained from his nature. But this clodhopper surely knew well how to make money. His family lived in a tile-roofed house built of blue bricks. Though by no means a feast of fat things, His dinner on New Year‘s Eve never lacked of meat dishes. Luo's behavior was also true to his name. He was kind to people, ready to lend a hand to those in trouble, and enjoyed a good reputition among his neighborhood.
As the saying goes "Only the Good die young", Luo burnt himself out completely in 1976. When he was ill in bed, his wife and three children, except for his eldest son, looked after him in turn. However for the very limited medical services he could receive then, what he could do was just planning for his next-life.
Before he breathed his last, Luo spoke of his arrangement to Ding Wan, his wife. Then he told his children to go out and uttered his last words. He bid farewell forever to the grace of God, at the age of 55.
The whole family was crying. The thunder echoed with his four children, as if God was willing to join them.
For outsiders, Luo family had been rendered a mystical one for his last words. Rumors of all versions arose. Ding Wan, as the only one who knew the truth, decided to keep it as a secret. She told her children that she had no desire to recall the past whatever they asked about. The secret might remain an engima upon her death, since no one else knew about it.
下面的科幻情节是可行的,因为一项新技术,有别于今天的只在一个小加快。教授吉姆Crickson被绑架的一个邪恶的外国势力,被迫工作,其生物战争实验室。为了节省文明极为重要的是他应该传达一些绝密资料,外面的世界,但所有正常的沟通渠道,被剥夺了他。除1 。 DNA的代码由64三重“密码子” ,足以让一个完整的大写和小写英文字母加数字10 ,空间特征和句号。教授Crickson采取了致命流感病毒从实验室大陆架和工程师在其基因组完整的文字,他的信息,外面的世界,在完全形成英文句子。他重复他的信息一遍一遍在基因工程,增加了一个容易识别“国旗”序列,也就是说,前10个素数。然后,他本人与感染病毒和打喷嚏在一个房间里挤满了人。 A波的禽流感席卷全球,医疗实验室在遥远的土地着手其基因组序列,试图设计一种疫苗。它很快变得很明显,有一种奇怪的方式重复基因组中。警觉的素数,而不能自发产生的,有人贬值的想法部署密码破译技术。从那里将是短期工作,阅读完整的英文文本教授Crickson的信息,打喷嚏世界各地。
In the past, I spent most of my time studying, learning aimlessly. Even though it took a lot of time, but I didn't accomplish much. But it's different now. I make a plan before I study. For example, would I do my homework first or memorize vocabulary first. I can now fully utilize my time and relax when I need to. I have more free time on my hands to do other things, such as doing some extra curricular reading, participating in campus groups and so on.
If there is one thing I have in university, it's time. Thus making the best use of that time is now my top priority. Before, all I ever did besides studying was studying, I never even took the time to keep fit. Now, when I have the time, I would do some exercise to stay in shape.
English is my weakest link, so in addition to paying extra attention in class, I often listen to English music, read English novels and chat in English; these activities ensure the continuous improvement of my English skills.
I can now do well in school and stay fit, as well as participate in many extra curricular activities to expand my horizons. All of these changes are because of the decisions I made.
尽量按句翻译,但是劳逸结合这种词是纯粹难为人的(翻译成了relax when I need to 汗,寒但是自认不是我的错)。 最后一句最好删了,中文都不是很顺,英文也自然强不到哪去。
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本文概览:网上有关“technology apart翻译”话题很是火热,小编也是针对technology apart翻译寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问...